
How To Connect Phone To Switch

We have already seen on occasion how a mobile can exist paired to a PS5 or Xbox, and the truth is that we also find the possibility of doing the same with a Nintendo console. What nosotros will need is to follow a series of steps, which nosotros volition explicate in detail, in addition to the fact that it will be of import to know what it will practise for u.s.a. and if it will really exist as useful as we remember.

How to connect the Nintendo Switch to the mobile


  • What is it for?
  • how it connects
    • to have internet
    • A mobile like Joy-Con
    • To share screenshots

What is it for?

The uses that we can take advantage of when connecting a Nintendo Switch to the mobile are different. Information technology is articulate that one will exist more useful than another, but it does not hateful that information technology will not exist useful to us at a given moment. Therefore, before seeing the process to achieve it, it is time to know what we could use it for.

nintendo switch

  • Give Internet to the Nintendo console : this is one of the uses that we can get the most out of. Especially, when we take run out of Internet at home.
  • Use the mobile as Joy-Con : information technology will assistance u.s.a. to utilize a smartphone as a controller on the Nintendo Switch in case we do non have more than at home or, besides, if the controller has broken and nosotros cannot buy a new ane.
  • Share screenshots from the Switch to the phone : It will make our lives much easier if we want to show our friends the screenshots that we have taken with our favorite character, when catching a Pokémon or a victory in Mario Kart.

how information technology connects

Later seeing what it is for us to connect the console to a smartphone, information technology is time to get to know the process with which we can reach it. More than anything, because each of these utilities will have a series of different steps. So that you do non have any type of unforeseen event, we will tell you lot everything yous volition accept to do from your mobile and the Nintendo Switch at all times.

Usar móvil como mando Nintendo Switch

to take internet

Nosotros beginning with i of the great benefits of connecting a Nintendo Switch to a mobile . Basically, because we volition be able to take Internet on the console anywhere, fifty-fifty if we do not have a Wi-Fi connection. Of course, nosotros accept already warned you that we will demand to accept the data of our active rate, and that it volition be consumed to a great extent. So we suggest y'all to do it if you have an unlimited information plan on your phone.

The offset thing we must practise in the case of an Android mobile is to get directly to the smartphone settings. Once inside, we will enter the Networks and Internet department, then nosotros will click on the tab called My Wi-Fi Zone and Share connexion (these steps may vary depending on the customization layer of each manufacturer).

Once inside, we must enable the Wi-Fi zone . In this bill of fare, we can change the name of the admission indicate, in addition to the countersign. After having configured these sections, we volition have to become to the settings of the Nintendo Switch > Cyberspace . From here, the connection of our phone should appear. Then it will be as simple as putting the cardinal and connecting.

Zona Wi-Fi Android

In the case of iPhones, we must get to Settings> activate mobile data > enter the Personal Access Point tab> enable the option Allow others to connect (with this function we will let other devices that have not logged in to our iCloud connect). Then, we must follow the same steps as earlier: go to the Nintendo settings> Net> search for the phone's network> enter the password and establish the connexion.

From that moment, nosotros will already have Internet on the console to be able to start online anywhere.

A mobile like Joy-Con

To be able to use a smartphone as a controller for the Nintendo Switch , the truth is that the steps volition not be every bit simple as the other cases. Basically, because we will need to use a 3rd party application, namely JoyCon Droid. A while ago, information technology was available from the Google Play store, only it is no longer there. Therefore, you lot must download it from an apk file website. Likewise, in this case, we can only become it from Android phones.

Simply, to achieve this, we must give our mobile the necessary permissions so that it can install external files. If you don't know how to do information technology, you lot will have to go to Settings> Apps and notifications> Special access> Install unknown apps. Once within, click on the search engine that you normally utilise on your smartphone and choose the Immune option. Then, you lot must click on this link on the Malavida website > Download > Take.

We already warned you that all those who accept updated the Nintendo Switch to a college version 12.0.0, yous must take a rooted mobile for it to work. IF not, we can connect both devices equally follows.

JoyCon Droid funciones

Open JoyCon Droid on your smartphone and give it permission to put Bluetooth into discovery mode. Choose which command you desire to 'simulate' from the terminal. You can choose: the left, right or the Nintendo Pro Controller. Then, click on 'Subsequently' > we will see the visual interface of the controller we have chosen.

At present, inside the Nintendo Switch, press the command icon. Then tap on the 'Change order or property fashion' selection. At that moment, the Nintendo will ask united states of america to press different keys of the supposed command that we will encounter on the phone screen.

Unlike the previous method, this time we are facing a adequately simple procedure that volition only take a minute or less, particularly when we get exercise. In improver, it will be useful for both Android and iPhone users .

Compartir capturas de pantalla de Nintendo Switch

The first thing we volition have to do is go to the home screen of the Nintendo console > click on the Album option > select the capture yous desire with the 'A' button > printing this key on the Switch over again > access the menu Publish & Edit > tap Send to Smart Device. From here, you can also choose whether you want to send simply ane image or multiple screenshots. Afterwards this, a QR code will appear that we must scan with the smartphone camera.

Doing so will automatically connect your telephone to the console. But, nosotros will have to scan the QR a second time, in this way we will enter a spider web so that we can download the image in the last reel.


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