
How To Make Eczema Go Away

Will Eczema Go Away on Its Own?

Eczema typically develops in early childhood and in a minor number of cases spontaneously resolves on its own. For everyone else, eczema is usually a lifelong peel condition. While scientists have yet to find a cure, there are treatments and ways to manage your eczema to minimize flare-ups.

Everyone with eczema should have an eczema specialist as part of their care squad. Allergy and immunology specialist Reinhard Kage, MD , and the team at Rheumatology and Allergy Institute of Connecticut specialize in diagnosing and treating immunologic conditions such equally eczema.

What is eczema?

Eczema causes inflamed patches of skin to develop that itch intensely. The affected pare is often dark and typically thickens and appears scaly. It may also cicatrice and ooze. The outer layer of pare (epidermis) is damaged, and as a result is sensitive and vulnerable to various triggers.

People with eczema tend to have flare-ups that may last several weeks. Symptoms tend to subside between flares.

Agreement your peel

Your outer layer of pare serves several of import purposes. It acts as a barrier, providing protection against the external environs, produces melanin, and retains water and nutrients. Special immune cells in the epidermis called langerhans cells guard confronting forein substances, such as leaner.

In people with eczema, these primary functions of the epidermis are impaired. Because the epidermis doesn't function too as it should, it has trouble retaining moisture and protecting confronting environmental elements like heat, common cold temperatures, and foreign substances.

If yous have eczema, your skin is delicate and requires some actress intendance.

Managing eczema

Learning about your skin and ways to manage your eczema tin help you to proceed your skin every bit healthy every bit possible. The post-obit are best practices for managing eczema.

Identify and avoid triggers

Identifying and avoiding your triggers plays an important function in managing eczema. Common eczema triggers include:

  • Hot or cold temperatures
  • Detergents
  • Stress
  • Ingredients in skin care products
  • Sure clothing fibers

Your specific triggers may not be listed here. Recording your symptoms in a daily periodical can assistance you pinpoint potential triggers to assistance you avert or minimize flare-ups.

Keep your skin hydrated

Due to reduced bulwark function, eczema causes water loss and makes it difficult for your pare to remain hydrated. While you shouldn't over-moisturize your skin, it's important to go along your skin hydrated. Moisturizing your skin should be a part of your daily regimen. It plays a key role in keeping your skin healthy and preventing flare-ups.

Maintenance therapy to forbid flares

Your provider can recommend maintenance therapy to prevent flare-ups as best as possible. Your regimen may include medications such every bit:

  • Antihistamines
  • Immunomodulators
  • Topical corticosteroids
  • Biologics

Handling plans are individualized to accost your skin'south specific needs.

Care for flares

When flare-ups do happen, acting promptly helps keep them under control and prevents exacerbations. Loftier-potency topical corticosteroids are often used for this purpose.

Forestall complications

Eczema makes you lot vulnerable to pare infections, especially Staphylococcus aureus infections. Dr. Kage is on the sentry for potential complications during your visit. If he detects a trouble, he may prescribe a short grade of oral antibiotics. If you discover an effect, be sure to schedule an appointment promptly.

Living well with eczema

While eczema won't go away on its own, with some know-how and the appropriate care, it's possible to live well with eczema. Having an eczema specialist on your side is invaluable. To acquire more about managing eczema and to schedule a visit with Dr. Kage, call 860-288-1160 or send your appointment request online using our booking grade.

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